Our Wagyu Cheeseburger showcases Sugahara-san’s Wagyu from Need Farms in Oita Prefecture. Sugahara-san raises his cattle for over 30 months—longer than usual—resulting in beef with a deep flavor and rich aroma when cooked.


At our farm, we are committed to flavor, which is why we raise our cattle for over 30 months. This long-term feeding process allows the cattle to naturally mature, enhancing their aroma and creating the deep, rich flavor that is characteristic of Wagyu.

We do not use antibiotics or growth hormones. Instead, we focus on raising our cattle in a way that is as close to nature as possible.

当牧場は味にこだわり30ヶ月以上肥育します。 長期肥育することで生体熟成し、和牛らしい 香りと濃い味になります。 抗生物質やホルモン剤は使っていません。 自然に近い形で育てています。

What Makes Need Farms Special

  • Long-Term Feeding: While most Wagyu cattle are raised for 27 months, Need Farms raises theirs for over 30 months. This process enhances the flavor and creates a sweet, nutty aroma when cooked.

  • Custom Feed: The farm uses original feed tailored for each stage of the cattle’s growth, providing the best nutrition to develop high-quality beef.

  • Natural Methods: They avoid growth hormones and antibiotics, ensuring the cattle grow naturally in a clean, stress-free environment.


  • 長期肥育: 一般的に和牛は27ヶ月で出荷されますが、ニード牧場では30ヶ月以上育てることで、甘く香ばしい風味を引き出します。

  • オリジナル飼料: 牛の成長段階に合わせた自家製の飼料を使用し、最高の栄養を与えています。

  • 自然な飼育: 成長ホルモンや抗生物質を使用せず、清潔でストレスの少ない環境で牛を育てています。